Show Garden 2015

Show Garden 2015

Friday 1 May 2015

Constructive Fun

Another busy day yesterday preparing the show gardens. Lots of problems solved!

Construction Team were busy beavers very kindly helped by Chris the Builder, who has sorted how to make the bookshelves for the outdoor library for #ReadersGarden15.

Thank you Chris!

Glasgow Botanics have kindly donated some mature papyrus to #KnittedGarden15. Susan and Penny went over to collect, and then we got them potted up and fed to get them in tip top condition for the Show (the plants that is, not Susan & Penny)

Another Trip to Almondell to see ESME and look at how the turntable is progressing. Nearly there with a very elegant yet simple solution! Thanks to the guys!

The Plant Team brought together a lot of the #ReadersGarden15 plants to see how they were all looking together. Have to say they were looking gorgeous! What a lovely woodland glade it is going to be. Photos don't do the plants justice!

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